MyBnk Northern Ireland

Expert-led financial education for young people in Northern Ireland

Financial education for young people in Northern Ireland

Our expert-led programmes aim to build financial capability at key transitional moments, addressing mindsets, attitudes and behaviours to help young people form an understanding of the wider world of money.

We deliver our Money Twist programme for primary and secondary schools and Money Works to those leaving care, on employability courses or moving/moved into independent living.

Money Works participants will gain a Level 1 Personal Money Management accreditation.

The Need: Just 48% say they received key elements of financial education at school or home (MaPS, 2020) 10-24 year olds have average unsecured debts of £1,460 (StepChange, 2019) The need in Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland has the lowest financial literacy rate across the UK (Bank of Ireland, 2023) The average income in Northern Ireland is 8% lower than the rest of the UK (Consumer Council, 2023)

Our Work

View our full suite of programmes available in Northern Ireland, from primary school sessions to young adult programmes.

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To find out more or book programmes for your young people, please contact

Case Studies

From opening a first bank account and trading in real markets, to moving out of care and into independent living, MyBnk’s financial education workshops pack a BIG punch!

“Now I Know Where To Go For What I Need” – Seeking Help

"They Don’t Teach You This At School. It’s Not Common Knowledge" - Fighting Debt

"It’s Given Me The Confidence To Go Out And Speak To People"

“Always Save Your Money For The Future, You Might Really Need It Then.” - Saving Up