Your Money – Your Future

Free tools, tips and tricks designed by MyBnk’s money experts to help you take control of your finances

Debt, bills, saving, goals...

We’ve all got them. Money can be stressful, whether it’s getting it or making the most of it. MyBnk helps young people across the UK understand and manage their money. Our experts have created a range of tools to enable you to do just that.

Are you 16-25, on a low income or have caring responsibilities? You may be eligible for a grant of up to £100 from MyBnk. This can be used for food and care packages, utility bills and clothing. You can apply after finishing your MyBnk course.

Skill Up - Get £ Powers

An online course to help build your confidence and gain the skills to protect yourself from financial harm. Covers budgeting, financial knowledge, independent living, digital finance skills and debt prioritisation. Created in partnership with The Mix.

8 x 10 minute modules.

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Borrowing & Debt

There may be times when you need to borrow money to be able to afford essentials in the short term. It’s really important that you know the basics before you borrow money, so take a moment to make sure you are clued up. Created in partnership with The Mix.

10 minutes.

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Your Income

Now let’s take a look at the money that you’re earning. Created in partnership with The Mix.

10 minutes.

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Being on Benefits

Benefits are designed to be a safety net in a number of ways. It can sometimes be tricky to understand what you qualify for, so let’s take a look at benefits in more detail. Created in partnership with The Mix.

10 minutes.

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What is a Scam?

Sometimes people may try to steal from you, but there are ways to protect yourself. Let’s look at how to do this. Created in partnership with The Mix.

10 minutes.

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Household bills - Get the Skills

When you’re moving out of home for the first time, you may be surprised by some of the bills that you need to pay. Let’s take a look at the bills you need to be paying. Created in partnership with The Mix.

10 minutes.

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Budgeting - How to

Budgeting is not always the most exciting thing to do, but it is a really important way of ensuring that your finances are healthy. Let’s take a look at the basics of budgeting and some simple ways that you can do it. Created in partnership with The Mix.

10 minutes.

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Being Informed - Know Your Rights

You have a lot of rights when it comes to your money, however it can be easy to feel uncertain on where you stand. Let’s dig into the detail of what rights you have when it comes to your money.

10 minutes.

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Banking - Clock It

Banks use lots of jargon that can be confusing to understand, but it’s important to be clued up on how things work. Let’s go through some of the basics. Created in partnership with The Mix.

10 minutes.

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Uni Money Tips - Get Ready for Independent Living

Tools - Videos - Articles

Planning for uni can be overwhelming – especially the money side of things. But it doesn’t have to be. We’ve created a guide to give you the information you need to become financially independent covering student finance, banking, borrowing, budgeting and spending.

5 x 10 minutes.

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Make Money Work - Take Control


A short sharp four part guide with handy tips, websites and apps to help you budget your money, keep tabs on spending and get good deals on products whilst avoiding scams and knowing how to borrow safely. Based on our Money Works course.

4x ave. 15 minutes

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Free money! What are Child Trust Funds? MyBnk explains...

Tools - Videos - Articles

Turned 18 since September 2020? Born in the UK? You may have up to £2,000 waiting for you in a forgotten bank account called a Child Trust Fund. If you’re 16 you can take control of it, now!

Our financial education expert explains what it is, how you can get it and what you could do with it.

2.5 minutes.

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Every month one of our expert financial education trainers hosts a bite-sized “Insta-style” video, bringing you top tips and guidance, covering everything from banking to borrowing, spending to saving.

2 minutes

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Financial Health Check - Know your £ self


We’ve created a money MOT designed to take your pulse and discover your true financial situation. There are one or two questions on seven everyday money topics so we can offer you targeted information, support or links if you need it. Created with The Mix.

5 minutes.

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Text MSG Service - Get Saving Nudges


Struggling to save? Feel like you’re quite able to squirrel something away? MyBnk have created a free reminder tool to make sure you never miss that opportunity to stash your cash. Click the link below and start saving.

2 minutes

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MyBnk & NCS: Your Finance Questions Answered

We team up with NCS to answer finance questions from young people.

5 minutes.

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Spotlight on digital currency with MyBnk

From Bitcoin to blockchain, the world of cryptocurrencies can be confusing. But we’ve got you covered!

5 minutes.

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My Moneycast: Livestream for young adults

A financial education livestream for 16-25 year olds. Our shows focus on personal finance news and features explainers, special guests and Q&As. Season two coming soon!

12 x 30 minutes

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Making the most of your ca$h

As the coronavirus crisis develops, life as we know it continues to be reshaped. Feeling stressed about the money side of things? We give our top tips.

5 minutes.

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Planning for the future - How to manage your money

Now, no one can predict what the future holds, but important questions may be:

  • What could you being doing now, to better prepare for the future?
  • Which decisions could you be taking now, that would create more security for when you’re older?

5 minutes

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I’m leaving the care system - How do I manage my money?

As a care leaver, our relationship with money can often be a bittersweet one. Especially if you’re between the ages of 16-18 and you have no other option but to claim benefits. Keeley, a MyBnk member of staff with experience of the care system shares her advice.

5 minutes.

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Coronavirus and money - An expert financial guide

You might be feeling uncertain about the future and understandably, lots of you will be anxious about money and have questions about what this means for your finances. We’re here to guide you through.

5 minutes

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Buying a house or a car and reading your bank statements

Read this handy guide to find out all you need to know about buying some new wheels, a home, how to understand your bank statements and how to balance your spending and saving.

5 minutes.

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How to understand financial language - Bust that jargon

The language used to describe the world of money can be so confusing sometimes. To make things simple and easy to understand, we’ve put together a list of common financial jargon you might see and a description of what each one means.

5 minutes

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What is money muling? - Get to know

You might have seen the posts on social media – people offering real cash in exchange for your bank details. It can be tempting to earn some quick and easy cash, but money muling can have some serious consequences.

5 minutes.

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Tips on understanding money as a young carer

For many of us, the world of money can be a bit of a headache. If you’re a young carer or a young adult carer, then you’ve also got loads of other things to factor in. Nick from MyBnk and Holly-Rae from the Carers Trust are here to guide you.

5 minutes

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My ridiculous overdraft charges

Simon, 22, explains how he found himself owing £600 in bank charges after going £1 overdrawn.

5 minutes.

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How do I decide where to live?

These seem like pretty big questions, but we’ve broken it down into an easy guide to help you decide by looking at key financial and lifestyle factors.

5 minutes

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Youth Ambassador Programme

Had a MyBnk session? Aged between 11-25? Interested in empowering young people to take control of their money?

Then become a MyBnk Ambassador, gain skills, get experience and help bring financial education to life!

Get Involved

Case Studies

From opening a first bank account and trading in real markets, to moving out of care and into independent living, MyBnk’s financial education workshops pack a BIG punch!

"It makes maths real!" Improving teens numeracy skills by understanding investment

“My Mind Has Been Blown!" - Shannon, 8, opens her first bank account and starts her savings journey

"Learning to live independently taught me I had worth" Leaving care and dodging bankruptcy